Civil Litigation involves numerous documents, especially during the discovery phase of a case. Whether it is a standard two-party case or complex case involving multiple parties, the number of documents needing to be filed and exchanged can get overwhelming. Some courts have mandated that an Electronic Service Provider be assigned to complex cases. However, eService is not only limited to complex cases, all civil litigation can utilize an eService provider to streamline the management and exchange of case documents.


All that is required is a Stipulation & Order to Authorize Electronic Service. Once the Order has been fully executed by all parties and the court, Legal Document Server can setup the case on our web-based platform within minutes. No longer will documents need to be printed, folded and put into an envelope only to be delayed or lost in the mail. Some may say that E-Mail or Fax is a great alternative to speed up service. However, the issue of “not receiving” the documents are claimed.

When utilizing an eService Provider, all documents can be securely uploaded to an online case management system with confirmation of service tracked by the provider. Additionally, all case documents are centralized on a secure server with accessibility 24/7/365. Not only is eService more cost effective, but it increases the productivity of legal professionals to focus on what’s most important, practicing law!

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