Litigation is commonly misunderstood to be an archaic profession, rooted in tradition, and bogged down by mountains of paperwork. However, the reality is that legal technology has made significant strides within the past decade. Litigators can file documents, serve them, and manage their caseloads entirely online. There are even artificial intelligence programs that can assist with formerly tedious tasks like legal research and form preparation. While firms may be reluctant to integrate these advancements into their day-to-day workflow, embracing technology can assist litigators and firms alike by improving cost-efficiency, hiring and retention practices, and business expansion.

Ironically, the looming preferences of the California Superior Courts are perhaps the single greatest factor in pushing litigators to embrace new technologies. Despite being relative dinosaurs in the legal space, even the California Superior Courts have begun to adopt if not mandate things like videoconferencing, Electronic Filing (E-Filing), and Electronic Service (E-Service). If nothing else, litigators should be incorporating technological advancements into their day-to-day simply to keep up with the courts.

Reduced overhead costs is another reason litigators should be embracing technology in their day-to-day. Court filing and service of process can be incredibly expensive when the runners’ fees are attached, to say nothing of the cost in man hours it can take to manage a cases’ worth of paperwork and associated research. With technological advancements, these costs can be reduced exponentially. E-Filing and E-Service cut runners and their fees out of the picture entirely, and online case management platforms and AI assistance programs streamline the case management process tremendously.

The increased efficiency that comes with embracing technology ties into yet another perk: more successful hiring and retention practices. As previously mentioned, litigation is commonly perceived as a time-consuming, paper-pushing practice. However, litigators are becoming more and more aware of the technological advancements that can make their workload easier with each passing generation. Given the choice between a traditional workload or one that incorporates technology, younger lawyers are veering towards the latter in significant numbers.

Lastly, firms that incorporate technology leave the door open to expand their practice beyond their state. In the past, it could be economically inefficient for small firms to take cases outside of a one to two county radius, let alone outside their home state. The landscape has since significantly changed, however. Process server listings, local court rules, and depending on the court, even filing portals are now all easily accessible online, to say nothing of the increasing nationwide acceptance of things like electronic appearances and depositions. Firms that adopt legal technology are better equipped than ever to overcome geographical restrictions.

Despite public perceptions, litigation has modernized considerably in the 21st century thanks to several significant accompanying technological developments. While firms and litigators alike may be reluctant to innovate and incorporate said technology into their day-to-day workflow, the reality is that embracing technology carries several advantages for litigators. Reduced costs, streamlined workflow, successful hiring and retention practices, and geographical expansion are all positives that accompany the transition to a more streamlined workplace. If you have any questions about how technology can benefit your legal practice, or want to know how to get started, please feel free to reach out to us at (800) 687-5003 or su*****@le*****************.com. We’d be more than happy to help!

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