In today’s automotive market, where supply struggles to meet demand, defective vehicles are more common than ever. As a consequence, the number of lemon law cases has been on the rise as well. This is especially true in California, where a large population and robust consumer protection laws combine to create the perfect environment for a storm of Lemon Law claims.

For most lemon lawyers, the cases themselves are fairly simple. Most cases are straightforward and well-documented, often leading to speedy resolutions within a matter of months. More complex cases, or those requiring litigation, may take longer; but these cases are few and far between even considering the glut of Lemons being sold in California. However, handing hundreds of cases a year, simple as they may seem, poses a unique set of challenges for Lemon Lawyers.

Challenges in Lemon Law Cases

These challenges, in summation, are:

  1. Filing Fees and Costs: For most litigation types, the filing fees and costs are an afterthought. For Lemon Lawyers, initiating hundreds of cases a year with potentially dozens of subsequent filings for each can rack up a substantial attorney service bill.
  2. Managing (Potentially) Hundreds of Active Cases Per Year: Beyond the costs, successfully managing hundreds of cases a year is only possible with a significant degree diligence, caution, and streamlined internal processes.
  3. Requisite Technical Expertise: Evaluating vehicular defects such as they pertain to a Lemon Law claim often requires technical knowledge that goes well beyond standard legal expertise. Filing all across the state of California also requires a measure of regional expertise in order to conform with various local court rules and regulations.

What Can Your Litigation Support Provider Do for You?

Your litigation support provider can play a critical role in streamlining your internal processes. Whether it’s aiding with case management, increasing efficiency, or decreasing costs, the right litigation support provider can be a great asset that you can leverage to increase your firm’s efficiency and output.

  1. Assist with Case Management: The better your provider’s platform, the easier it is to manage your caseload effectively. With a more streamlined platform you can monitor all order types (filing and service of process) for all your cases from the same portal. Additionally, a well-designed litigation support system will have convenient tools you can use to search for and through all of your cases. By using a better attorney service platform, it becomes considerably easier to track your cases and catch any mistakes or oversights before they slip through the cracks.
  2. Assist with Time Management: In a similar vein, a better litigation support platform will also make it easier to place initial and subsequent filings. When you are churning through dozens of case initiations per day (if not more), time is of the essence. With a better system you and your team will be able to place orders faster, saving you time and sparing you headaches.
  3. Offer Concierge Services: In the spirit of saving time, your attorney service provider can also offer concierge order services. Rather than take the time to submit all your orders yourself, you may be able to outsource to your provider. The process will vary depending on the provider in question, but for a nominal fee you can circumvent the e-filing rigamarole and have your provider place orders on your behalf.
  4. Provide Statewide Insight: Because all the California Superior Courts operate independently of one another, your filings are at constant risk of rejection due to local rules. A good litigation support provider will offer insight into the various formatting quirks of each of the California counties, ensuring that your documents are never rejected due to local procedural differences.
  5. Reduce Costs: The last benefit a good attorney service provider can offer is perhaps the simplest. A good provider will be able to provide you with discounted rates and no interest on fee advances, significantly cutting into your e-filing costs and boosting your margins.


Navigating the complexities and large caseload that comes with Lemon Law can be a daunting task for Lemon Lawyers everywhere. However, by leveraging the right litigation support provider, the process can be significantly streamlined. These providers can offer specialized knowledge, efficient document and time management, reduced costs, and concierge order services, all of which contribute to a more effective and efficient handling of lemon law cases. Ultimately, the right litigation support provider can make a substantial difference.

If you would like to learn more about how your attorney service provider can aid in your lemon law practice, feel free to give us a call at (800) 687-5003.

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